

Born on October 27, 1972, in Philadelphia, USA to a family of Kalmyk Mongolian immigrants, Telo Tulku Rinpoche (Erdne Basan Ombadykow) displayed a strong interest in monastic life from a young age. At seven, upon the recommendation of the Dalai Lama, he was sent to Drepung Gomang Monastery in India. He spent thirteen years there studying Buddhist philosophy under renowned Tibetan masters. In 1980 he was recognized as the reincarnation of Jamsranjav Diluv Hutugthu of Mongolia, reincarnation of the Buddhist master Tilopa.

From 1992 to 2023, Telo Rinpoche served as the Shadjin Lama (Supreme Lama) of Kalmykia, and was instrumental in the revival of Buddhism throughout Kalmykia and Buddhist territories in Russia. His major efforts have been aimed at spiritual restoration of one of the three Buddhist regions in post-Soviet Russia.

During his time as Shanjin Lama, Rinpoche supervised the construction of over 37 Buddhist temples and 120 stupas, including the main temple in the capital city of Kalmykia, Elista, the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni, which is the largest Buddhist temple in Europe. Telo Rinpoche has also made a lasting contribution towards strengthening intercultural and interfaith dialogue in the republic. Rinpoche’s efforts are focused on preserving Kalmyk Buddhist culture and traditions, while also promoting basic secular human ethics such as compassion, love, kindness and non-violence.

Since 2014, Telo Tulku Rinpoche has served as the Honorary Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Russia, Mongolia and CIS countries (Commonwealth of Independent States) based at the Tibet Culture & Information Centre in Moscow. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Rinpoche became the first religious leader in Russia to publicly condemn the war. In January 2023, he was forced to leave after being designated a foreign agent by the Russian government for his outspoken stance against the war. He is currently based in Ulaanbaatar, serving as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s representative to Mongolia.

In 2006, Telo Tulku Rinpoche established the Diluv Hutugthu Foundation (DHF) to honour his predecessor where he also serves as the CEO of the foundation. Of the many successful initiatives of DHF, ___ responsible for introducing the Social, Emotional and Ethical (SEE) Learning program developed by Emory University’, to the Ministry of Education of Mongolia which then led to its successful implementation in Mongolian public schools. Telo Rinpoche also serves as a Board Member of SEE Learning Mongolia.

The Foundation is engaged in various educational activities which include the translation and publication of books focused on secular ethics in Mongolian language, as well as broadcasting and translation of films about His Holiness the Dalai Lama. DHF also curates lectures and programmes which promote human values through educating the heart and mind and promotes Cognitively Based Compassion Training, a system of contemplative exercises designed to strengthen and sustain compassion.

Telo Tulku Rinpoche regularly gives teachings and talks for the general public and young people around the world, and has numerous publications in academic journals. Rinpoche has also convened several international conferences on Tibet and Mongolia relations, Buddhist philosophy, secular ethics and science, as well as overseeing projects that involve the participation of Buddhist scholars, monastics and scientists from Russia, Mongolia, India, USA, Thailand, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. Over the years, he has made special efforts to strengthen religious and cultural ties between heritage Buddhists in Russia, Mongolia and the Tibetan community, with leadership and guidance from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.